


洒脱: 1. big-hearted2. free and easy 随便,洒脱有意漫不经心的行为方法An intentionally careless manner.格雷厄姆·格林洒脱之致的表演(b纽约人)a hyperkinetic, gonzo version of Graham Greene(bNew Yorker)伍尔夫有着习惯于好莱坞式的舒适生活的男人那轻松洒脱的风度,假设能再高一英寸左右,就可算是高大、黝黑而英俊的美男子了。An inch or so short of being really tall,dark and handsome,Woolf has the easy,relaxed ways of a man used to the Hollywood - style good life.

洒脱: 1. big-hearted 2. free and easy 随便,洒脱有意漫不经心的行为方法 An intentionally careless manner. 格雷厄姆·格林洒脱之致的表演(b纽约人) a hyperkinetic, gonzo version of Graham Greene(bNew Yorker) 伍尔夫有着习惯于好莱坞式的舒适生活的男人那轻松洒脱的风度,假设能再高一英寸左右,就可算是高大、黝黑而英俊的美男子了。 An inch or so short of being really tall,dark and handsome,Woolf has the easy,relaxed ways of a man used to the Hollywood - style good life.


潇洒的英文:nuttiness、pizazz、natural and unrestrained、elegant and unconventional、awsome。;

一、natural and unrestrained 帅性;潇洒的;潇洒;Achievements thus a natural and unrestrained freedom of Black people. ;以此成就了一个潇洒自由的烂人。;

二、pizazz;英 [ˌpə'zæz];美 [ˌpə'zæz] ;I wanted something that I could add more pizazz to. ;我想要的东西,我可以添加更多的潇洒来。;

三、elegant and unconventional;The former embodies their elegant and unconventional style of conduct, and the latterreflects their vulgar taste for life. ;前者反映了宋人潇洒的一面,后者则相反,反映了他们趋俗的一面。;

四、nuttiness;英 ['nʌtɪnəs];美 ['nʌtɪnəs] ;You detect that, an Okie nuttiness? ;你发现了?一个潇洒的俄克拉荷马州人?;




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