


Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, a child does not like reading. One day, the teacher is not in the house, quietly sneak out to play.

He came to a small river mountain, see an old woman, in the stone grinding an iron pestle. Li Bai was very puzzled, asked: the old lady, what do you Tiechu?

The old woman said: I was grinding. Li Bai surprised to ask: oh! Tiechu so thick, how can a needle? The wife said with a smile: as long as every day more grinding mill Tiechu always thinner, even not a needle grinding?

Clever Li Bai after listen to, think of themselves, ashamed heart, turned around and ran back to the house. From then on, he kept in mind Little strokes fell great oaks. Zhen truth, hard study.


The story of Iron Rod to Needle comes from an ancient Chinese legend. There was a man named Li Bai, who was a very talented blacksmith but he had a dream to turn an iron rod into a needle. He worked hard day and night for many years to achieve his dream, but he was never able to do it.

One day, Li Bai met an old monk who asked him about his dream. Li Bai told him about his desire to turn an iron rod into a needle. The monk smiled and said, It is not impossible. If you keep working hard with a determined heart, youll be able to achieve it.

Li Bai took the monks words to heart and continued to work hard. He spent many years in deep meditation and finally, he was able to turn the iron rod into a needle. Everyone was amazed by his achievement, and Li Bais name became known throughout the land.

The story of Iron Rod to Needle is a testament to the power of perseverance and believing in oneself, no matter how difficult the task at hand may seem. With hard work and determination, anything is possible.

This is Li Bai. He is very young.He is very clever,but he doesn’t like reading books.

When he goes to school,he often plays truant.Now he runs out to play again.

He sees an old woman grinding an iron stick.He asks:“Why are you grinding an iron stick?”The old woman answers:“Make a needle.”“Ha, ha, it is too big, you can’t make it.”“I can do it everyday, and I will make it one day.”

He is shocked.From then on, he begins to study hard.Later.....I believe you already know


英文:if you work hard enough, you can grind an iron rod into a needle。


As the saying goes: "as long as kungfu deep, iron pestle into a needle


Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, a child does not like reading. One day, the teacher is not in the house, quietly sneak out to play.

He came to a small river mountain, see an old woman, in the stone grinding an iron pestle. Li Bai was very puzzled, asked: "the old lady, what do you Tiechu?"

The old woman said: "I was grinding." Li Bai surprised to ask: "oh! Tiechu so thick, how can a needle?" The wife said with a smile: "as long as every day more grinding mill Tiechu always thinner, even not a needle grinding?"

Clever Li Bai after listen to, think of themselves, ashamed heart, turned around and ran back to the house. From then on, he kept in mind "Little strokes fell great oaks. Zhen" truth, hard study.


Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, a child does not like reading. One day, the teacher is not in the house, quietly sneak out to play.

He came to a small river mountain, see an old woman, in the stone grinding an iron pestle. Li Bai was very puzzled, asked: "the old lady, what do you Tiechu?"

The old woman said: "I was grinding." Li Bai surprised to ask: "oh! Tiechu so thick, how can a needle?" The wife said with a smile: "as long as every day more grinding mill Tiechu always thinner, even not a needle grinding?"

Clever Li Bai after listen to, think of themselves, ashamed heart, turned around and ran back to the house. From then on, he kept in mind "Little strokes fell great oaks. Zhen" truth, hard study.






Grind An Iron Stick Into A Needle 铁杵成针

This is Li Bai. He is very young. He is very clever, but he doesn’t like reading books.

When he goes to school, he often plays truant. Now he runs out to play again.

He sees an old woman grinding an iron stick. He asks:

“Why are you grinding an iron stick?”

The old woman answers:

“Make a needle.”

“Ha, ha, it is too big, you can’t make it.”

“I can do it everyday, and I will make it one day.”

He is shocked.

From then on, he begins to study hard.


I believe you already know


grind 磨

iron stick 铁棒

needle 针

play truant 逃学

shocked 震惊

study 学习

hard 努力

believe 相信

already 已经







e stone grinding an iron pestle. Li Bai was very puzzled, asked: "the old lady, what do you Tiechu?"

The old woman said: "I was grinding." Li Bai surprised to ask: "oh! Tiechu so thick, how can a needle?" The wife said with a smile: "as long as every day more grinding mill Tiechu always thinner, even not a needle grinding?"

Clever Li Bai after listen to, think of themselves, ashamed heart, turned around and ran back to the house. From then on, he kept in mind "Little strokes fell great oaks. Zhen" truth, hard study.



发布于:小学教育网(https://xiaoxue.china-share.com)>>> 五年级英语栏目





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