7年级新学期的打算作文,急? 第1篇:新学期的打算 新的一学期启动了,我的新学期生活又翻开了崭新的一页,在这一学期里,我打算做些什么呢?我想:我要发扬我的优点,做到再接再厉;...
My first-year university life
We will never forget our freshman year at college. In general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries.
College is much different than high school. You may decide to commute from your home to a local campus. Without doubt, the most dramatic freshman year is for those living away from home. What can we expect as we head off into the wonderful world of higher education?
The first thing I notice is the workload. It is heavier and more intense than I ever experienced before. The major challenges of college work are large volume of reading, short deadlines, and “endless” writing. A related effect that can be brought on by the workload is doubt, frustration, and loneliness if possible.
On some of those long, seemingly endless nights of studying and writing, it will be very natural for me to long for fine old days. Hang in there. These down periods will pass.
I have made a lot of new friends. I am sure college friendships will be among the most satisfying and long-term in my life. It's always exciting to discover how wonderfully diverse college relationships can be.
I am enjoying my newfound freedom. Stay up until dawn talking about my ideals and ambitions with my dorm's regular bull session buddies. Sleep in until the afternoon on a light class day. Explore the local town or suburbs with one or two of my new friends.
I even start to think about my future. Going to college is as much about finding out who am I as it is about getting the degree.
发布于:小学教育网(https://xiaoxue.china-share.com)>>> 600字作文栏目
7年级新学期的打算作文,急? 第1篇:新学期的打算 新的一学期启动了,我的新学期生活又翻开了崭新的一页,在这一学期里,我打算做些什么呢?我想:我要发扬我的优点,做到再接再厉;...
写奶奶的作文开头和结尾初中? 我的奶奶已经是72岁高龄的人了。她虽然不认识一个字,但是,对我的学习却十分关心。 在奶奶的眼睛里面好象唯有写字读书才是学习。有一次,她拿着姐姐的...
人要擅长于克制自己辩论赛稿子? 第一,懂得删减,可以自律抛弃那些好选项。放弃看似很好的机会是很艰难、甚至是痛苦的,但是,假设你内心很坚定地清楚自己想要什么,这一条就一定可...
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