


why did I live for myself? Because nobody would help you when you fall down but your parents.we must be strong enough to take care of our parents when they are old.this is why I live for myself.


I once got on a taxi of which the owner is a faithful reader of mine. On the hurtling bus, The driver asked me : “Mr.Lin, could you tell me what is meaning of living?”

  He was the first one who asked me such a question about the life, and I was dumb to be asked suddenly.

  Suddenly, the couplet which hanged on the wall of the auditorium of my middle school was floating on my mind.

  The purpose of living is to develop the living quality of mankind.

  (the purpose of living is to promote the living standard of mankind;)

  The meaning of life is to create the supervene lives of universe.

  (the meaning of life is to carry on the continuum of the universe)

  And then, I talked to the driver, “The meaning of life is to make a difference in your mind and soul, meanwhile, do something good and devote yourself to the world everyday.”

  When I have said all this, we were just gone through Renai Road, where were standing beautiful trees of the each side. It is there that I saw the pretty flower blooming on the ceiba trees. How beautiful they are.

  When we are making progress, that means we are ‘blooming’for ourselves. Out willing of devoting to our world is a flower for the world.



发布于:小学教育网(https://xiaoxue.china-share.com)>>> 三年级英语栏目





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