用arethere造句10句,there are造句

用arethere造句10句,there are造句

用are there造句10句?

1AreThere five books in my bag?

2.AreThere any cakes in the case?

3.AreThere two girs and a boy in the playground?

4.AreThere your parents in this photo?

5.AreThere several fruits in the plate?

6.Are there any books on your desk?

7.Are there two rules in the box?

8.Are there anybird son the wall?

9.Are there any pen son the table?

10.Are there any pears on the table?


1.Salmon are there for the catching right in the city center.

2.Are there suddenly two unscripted minutes to go before a commercial?

3.All the elements are there for a good murder-mystery.

4.All of the dramatic flourishes that could be there are there.

5.But the gangs are there and they know who they are.


例句1(提问):Are there any restaurants nearby?

例句1(回答):Yes, there are several restaurants within walking distance.

例句2(提问):Are there any parks in this neighborhood?

例句2(回答):No, there are no parks in this neighborhood, but there is a large green space just a few blocks away.

例句3(提问):Are there any supermarkets open late at night?

例句3(回答):Yes, there are a few supermarkets that stay open until midnight in the nearby area.

例句4(提问):Are there any museums that offer guided tours?

例句4(回答):Yes, there are several museums in the city that offer guided tours. You can check their websites for more information.

例句5(提问):Are there any good schools in this district?

例句5(回答):Yes, there are several reputable schools in this district known for their high-quality education.

Are there造句五年级。?

Are there any other questions?


Are there any further questions?


Are there any cookies left?


Are there any problems at your end?


Are there any classes I could observe?


Are there any stamps?


Are there any nude scenes in the movie?


Are there any volunteers to help clear up?


Are there many people living in the outback?


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