绑架读后感英文? Kidnapped! Robert Louis Stevenson David Balfours father, a poor cleric in a small village, has died. His mother has since died, so David is now alone in the world. Mr. Campbell, the local minister, gives David a message from...
Robert Louis Stevenson
David Balfours father, a poor cleric in a small village, has died. His mother has since died, so David is now alone in the world. Mr. Campbell, the local minister, gives David a message from his father to a mysterious Ebenezer Shaw. That is when David discovers he has unknown relatives.
When David finally arrives at the Shaw mansion he is appalled. By now he has learned it has an unsavory reputation and the owner is hated by all the neighbors. Despite this, David approaches the dark, partially finished house. His uncle Ebenezer reluctantly welcomes David. After a short time, David realizes there are secrets being kept. Was Davids father the true elder brother? Should David himself be the owner of the Shaw money and lands rather than his Uncle?
Before he can discover the truth, he accompanies his uncle on a business trip to the wharf. They visit one of the ships Ebenezer Shaw deals with. David is coshed on the head and wakes up in the hold, the ship under way. He is on his way to the American colonies to work on the Carolina plantations. At first he is held prisoner; later he is able to work on the ship and have more freedom.
Davids adventures are only beginning. As the ship is sailing north around Scotland, they strike another boat and rescue the survivor. This survivor has secrets, connections, and money. Quickly David finds himself aligned with this man against the sailors. From there he encounters hardships, travails, and excitement he could not have imagined before he left his fathers home.
This is a childrens to young adult classic. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote wonderful yarns that were popular well beyond his lifetime and death over 100 years ago. Kidnapped is all right, not great. I never felt real involved with David nor cared overly much what happened to him until very near the end. Yet his sufferings while shipwrecked and on the run were well depicted. I could feel the parched throat and aching feet. While its not Stevensons best, this book still stands the test of time.
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绑架读后感英文? Kidnapped! Robert Louis Stevenson David Balfours father, a poor cleric in a small village, has died. His mother has since died, so David is now alone in the world. Mr. Campbell, the local minister, gives David a message from...
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