


In summer, the weather is very hot. Swimming is popular. I like swimming, too. I think swimming is a very interesting sport. It helps us build a healthy body. And it makes us cool in the hot summer days. Besides, we can call several friends to swim together. Also, we can play and have fun in the swimming pool. Anyway, swimming is a joyful activity in the hot summer.



Aninfinityedge swimming pool located at the Alila Ubud, luxuryboutiqueresort hotel in Ubud, Bali.巴厘岛一家奢华度假酒店内的无边界游泳池,给人的印象仿佛可以无限延伸。(介真的不是镜子吗?!)


Joule Hotel is a five-star, 129-room hotel in Dallas famous for it’s swimming pool thatpartiallyhangs off the side of the building-eight stories up.达拉斯有一家拥有129个房间的五星级酒店,最著名的就是其悬在8层楼高的半空中的游泳池。


Unique swimming pool withdrapeshadedislandpavilionslocated at the luxury Khao Lak Resort Hotel in Thailand.泰国某度假酒店内的游泳池,中间有布帘遮盖的凉亭哦!


Cool modern swimming pool withtransparentglass bottom.超酷的现代感游泳池,池底是透明的玻璃。


Beautiful pool at Coogee in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.澳大利亚悉尼著名的coogee海滩上有一处游泳池,面对澎湃的大海就是平静如水的池面,美呆了!



At the non-open time, asking the guests don' t enter water swimming;


Those who have high blood pressure, heart attack, should not use the swimming pool;


For the sake of the health to you and the others, Any gets infectious disease, impatient conjunctivitis, middle-ear infection, mental illness or wine posterity of the hepatitis, skin disease, advanced case trachoma, bowel way, the private all can't get into an usage the swimming pool;


For insure a child to swim safety, 12 years old following little son go into pond swimming, should be kept company with by the parent (or adult) and serve as guardian it a safety, if have no the adult accompany, the administrative office then has power brush-off it to get into the swimming pool, unless keep company with in the adult under, the child under 1



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