



After Watching Red Star Over China Tonight we watch the popular movie Red Star Over China ,which was based on Edgar Snows novel of the same name .The movie tells us histories and events of China of the 1940s .At that time ,our party was faced with all kinds of challenges .Snows novel gave us great help in public opinion .The good movie moved me .We should value the life now we have ,and we should thank Snow for his good attitude towards China.


hello everyone!

After reading Snows Red Star Over China recently, I was excited and realized that what can guide a person to pursue light is faith!

Snows language is simple and sincere without too many modifying words. He not only recorded some revolutionary deeds, such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and he long, but also described major historical events, such as the long march. Let us know that although the living environment is very difficult and the living conditions are very difficult, people are still full of passion and high morale! What makes Communists so optimistic? What is supporting them strongly? The answer is faith!

Snow is a foreigner who takes risks in a difficult environment and risks his life to find the red footprint. It is also a belief.

It was with this belief that the spark ignited by the Communists finally became a prairie fire; It is with this belief that socialist China can finally stand on the world stage; It is with this belief that socialist China can bloom on the world stage.

I hope we will still be like before, like a child, with a star and a lamp to illuminate our way forward and our gray heart. After all, everyone is great with faith. Only those who have never touched the light can be so persistent in the light and the beautiful day.

Each of us should have our own faith and strive to pursue it. No matter what will happen in the future, grasp the present, dont forget our original heart, and live our most brilliant moment in the right way.

Thank you!


你好,Once upon a time, there was a beautiful red rose in a garden. It was the most vibrant and stunning flower in the whole garden. Every day, people would come to the garden just to see the red rose and admire its beauty.

One day, a little girl came to the garden with her mother. She saw the red rose and fell in love with it. She wanted to take it home with her, but her mother told her that the flower belonged in the garden and not in their home.

The little girl was so sad that she started to cry. The red rose felt sorry for her and decided to do something to make her happy. It called upon a butterfly and asked it to fly to the little girl and tell her that the red rose loved her and would always be there to make her smile.

The butterfly did as it was asked and flew to the little girl. It told her the message from the red rose, and she was so happy that she stopped crying and smiled. From that day on, she would come to the garden every day to see the red rose and talk to it.

The red rose had made a friend for life, and it was happy to know that it had brought joy to someones life. It continued to bloom and spread its vibrant red color throughout the garden, reminding everyone of the power of love and kindness.


Everyones heart

has a hero,maybe a person who saves the people,maybe an animal who has got good spirit. So far,I cant forget a person who helped plenty of people. His name is Lei Feng. I think he was a goodperson.

I cant understand why he was so friendly, but I really know, he was a hero in my heart. I look up to him. And I will do all things I can do to help people,I want to be the second Lei Feng.



发布于:小学教育网(https://xiaoxue.china-share.com)>>> 小学一年级栏目





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