


小故事:The Little Match Girl这个小故事是有关一个卖火柴的小女孩,她在寒冷的冬天里卖火柴,但最后因为冻死在了街头巷尾。 这个故事给我们带来了深入透彻的思考,让我们感受到生活的艰辛和残酷。不管贫穷或者富有,我们都应该珍惜眼前的幸福,去关心和帮那些需帮的人,而不是沉浸在自己的小欢乐当中。 在这个故事的读后感中,我们可以更深入透彻的思考人生的意义。我们应该更好地珍惜生命,还尽力去帮那些需我们的帮的人。我们还应该拥有一个健康的人生观和价值观,去追求真正的快乐和意义。

小故事:The Ant and the Grasshopper

Once upon a time, there was an ant and a grasshopper. The ant worked hard all summer long, storing food for the winter. But the grasshopper just played around, singing and dancing in the sun.

When winter came, the ant had plenty of food to eat. But the grasshopper had nothing to eat and nowhere to go. He went to ask the ant for help, but it was too late.

Moral of the story: Work hard today so you can enjoy tomorrow.

读后感:This story teaches us an important lesson about working hard and being prepared for whats ahead. It shows that if we dont work hard now, we may suffer later on when things get tough. We should always be responsible and plan ahead for our future needs. This is a great reminder for us as students to study hard now so we can achieve our goals in life later on.

Zhang Juan is my classmate. She is a nice girl. She is good in class. She often helps her mother do the housework at home. We should learn from her.



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