有哪些舞蹈简单而又合适四年级的女生跳? t-aran4的田园日记四个人跳的舞蹈动作很少基本上都是重复的音乐也很嗨 少女时代的舞蹈都可以不过就是要九个人少时的舞蹈有可爱的又帅气的都很...
Part One: Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.选择填空(30分)
1: Do you like English?
A: study B:studying C: studied
2: There are four___of students.
A: types B:tips C:tyres
3: What does success to you.
A: mean B: meaning C: meant
4: In real life we find that sometimes we can ourselves by telling white lies..
A: answer B: justify C:just
5: He has the to bring out the best in others.
A: ability B:academic C: actually
6: At her 90* birthday party, Grandma was by family and friends.
A: dab B: surrounded C: dropout
7: They in price from 3$ to 5$.
A: foster B:sink C:range
8: Many of them remained _and resentful.
A: sullen B: review C:withdraw
9: If you put something you delay doing it.
A:off B:out C: down
10:. size is concerned, this bike is fine—I dont like the other ones though.
A: As far as B: As long as C: As fast as
11: What are you going to do. the future?
A:in B:on C: at
12: Nothing in the world can _the place of persistence.
A: take B: like C: read
有哪些舞蹈简单而又合适四年级的女生跳? t-aran4的田园日记四个人跳的舞蹈动作很少基本上都是重复的音乐也很嗨 少女时代的舞蹈都可以不过就是要九个人少时的舞蹈有可爱的又帅气的都很...
疯狂学校英语绘本令人印象深入透彻的十句话? 1. Happiness starts from within. 幸福从内心启动 2. Dare to dream and youll go far. 敢想敢做,远大前程。 3. Success comes with hard work. 成功需勤奋。4. Love is the...
四年级班训班规班级口号班级寄语? 1、博学强识,时不我待,黑发勤学,自首不悔。 2、奋发学习,积极进取,品格至上,做人正直。 3、良药苦口,忠言逆耳,顿开茅塞,补偏救弊。 4、勤奋...
四年级英语儿歌(配歌词)? Bluebird,Bluebird through my window, Bluebird,Bluebird through my window, Bluebird,Bluebird through my window, Oh,Johnny,I a tired. Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder, Take a little girl and tap her...
描写植物的初中英语作文? Cherry is a plant, Rosaceae, deciduous trees, flowers and leaves in March with the release or leaves after flowering. Are also the cherry as the name of the album. Bark purple-brown, smooth and shiny, with horizon...