



1.木偶奇遇记- The Adventures of Pinocchio

2.小王子- The Little Prince

3.爱丽丝漫游奇境 -Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

4.白雪公主 -Little Snow-white

5.灰姑娘 -Cinderella

6.小红帽- Hoodwinked

7.拇指姑娘 -Thumbelina

8.玫瑰花精 -The Rose—Elf

9.夜莺 -The Nightingale

10.丑小鸭 -The Ugly Duckling


  The story is end. but i have an English version from the internet . it looks so strange.i thought there're some problems with it , but i can't tell . please help me!!!! thanks a bunch!!!!

  The dramatis personae of this story was a boy in a gutter of San Francisco .Becuase of cacotrophia,he got sick with his leg.He couldn't stand with his leg straight.And his calf was even worse shrink.but in his little soul, he got a dream only be belived by himself-he would become an all-powerful player ofAmerican Football.

  he was a fan of Jim brown ,a good football player.when jim's team ,Browns was in match with 49's of San-Francisco ,he always went to the court to cheer his god.

  but because he was too pool to buy a ticket for the match ,so he had to wait to the almost end of the match .At this time , he could get in through the gate the missionary had open.

  at his age of 13,he got a face-to-face chance to meet his god in an ice-cream shop.that is after a match between 49's and Browns.he has been hoping for this time for a long long time .he went to his god in good taste ,then said loudly:"Mr.Brown, I'm your loyalest fan !"

  jim brown saidthank you with pleased .then this boy said :"mr.brown , did you know a thing?"

  jim turned round and said :"boy, what thing?"

  the boy said coolly:"i remember all the recorded that you created,all the embattle that you did. "

  jim brown laugh and said:"that's not easy."

  at this moment , the boy throwed a chest,there're some rays of light in his eyes.then he said with full confidence:"mr.brown ,i will break every recorded you've created someday."

  the good football player listened all his words and said with a smile:"what a manner of speaking! what's your name,kid?"

  the boy said great:"mr brown , i'm o j."

  since this talking ,o j really did as what he said-he broke every recorded jim brown had created,and created even more recorded



Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - 有关四个姐妹成长的故事。

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - 有关种族歧视和家庭教育的故事。

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain - 有关一个小男孩冒险的故事。

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis - 有关四个兄弟姐妹去找寻一个神奇的国度的故事。

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett - 有关一个失去父母后被寄养在舅舅家的女孩和她在花园中的冒险故事。

Alices Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - 有关一个小女孩在奇幻世界中的冒险。

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - 有关一个青少年的反叛和成长的故事。

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - 有关20世纪初的美国社会阶层和财富的故事。

Charlottes Web by E.B. White - 有关一只蜘蛛和一只猪当中的友谊的故事。



发布于:小学教育网(https://xiaoxue.china-share.com)>>> 四年级英语栏目



