


一、 填空题Ⅰ(这道题共有4到小题,每小题5分,共20分)1、□□÷□=( )□×□=( )□+□=( )□-□=( )将l~9填入到上面的9个方框中,每个数字用1次,既然如此那,4个算式的计算结果之和最大是多少?2、规定a△b =a×(a+2)-(a-1)×(a+l)-b,计算:(2△1)+(3△2)+(4△3)……+(11△10).3、对一个两位数进行一次操作是指:将它的两个数字相乘,假设得到一个一位数,则将它写两遍.比如对39进行5次操作依次得到39—27—14一44—16—66.既然如此那,经过4次操作变为88的两位数有多少个?4、 如图1,16个房间里各放有一部分的奥运纪念币,任何两个有公共边的房间有门相通.小翔穿过一部分房间,将所到房间里的纪念币收集起来.已知他进入和走出的房间如图1所示,井且每个房间最多穿过一次,而他最后一共收集了15枚纪念币。

既然如此那,满足要求的走法一共有多少种?5、未来小学有20名考生参与智力测验决赛,原来计划前5名为一等奖,其余为二等奖 后来改成前8名为一等奖,其余为二等奖.结果发现一等奖的平均分降低了3分,二等奖平均分降低了2分,既然如此那,最后一等奖的平均分比二等奖高多少分?6 、将长、宽、高分别是11、10、8的长方体的三个面染上红色,另一个面染上黄色,然后切成棱长为1的单位小正方体,既然如此那,只染了一种颜色的小正方体最多有多少个?7、在算式four÷five=0.8中,一样的字母硐嗤氖郑煌淖帜复聿煌氖郑敲磃ive代表的四位数最大可以是多少?三、解题目作答:(这道题满分9分)8、幼儿园给大班、小班分水果,大班每人分得5个苹果和1个梨,小班每人分得3个苹果和2个梨,结果发现小班比大班多分得24个苹果.(1) 假设两个班分得的梨一样多,既然如此那,小班有多少人? (2)假设小班比大班多分得2个梨,既然如此那,小班有多少人?。

II. 句子(Sentences) (共10小题,计10分)


11. There are three _______ (tomato) on the plate.

12. She can _______ (drive) a car.

13. Please _______ (not open) the door.

14. There _______ (be) some milk in the glass.

15. He is _______ (dance) now.


16. _______ is the first day of a week in America.

A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Tuesday

17. My birthday is _______ 13th of August.

A. in B. on C. atD. of

18. These are _______ desks.

A. Ray or Lucy's B. Ray's and Lucy C. Ray's and Lucy's D. Ray and Lucy

19. She often goes to _______ at nine, but now she is _______ .

A. sleeps, sleepingB. sleep, sleeping









( )1. A. nice B. clever C. nine D. cute

( )2. A. China B. Christmas C. America C. England

( )3. A. worse B. young C. strong D. old

( )4. A. take B. went C. dance D. ride

( )5. A. hair B. nose C. eye D. picnic


( )1. Today is Wednesday and tomorrow is ________.

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday

( )2. I’m going to have a picnic ______ Sunday.

A. in B. at C. on

( )3. It _______ rainy last night.

A. was B. will C. is

( )4. I like pop music. I can play the ______.

A. zither B. guitar C. erhu

( )5. She was fat then. Now she is _______.

A. short B. long C. thin

( )6. Sanya is a famous city in China. It’s in the _______.

A. east B. north C. south

( )7. I am six. I was _______ then.

A. seven B. nine C. five

( )8. Lily is ________. She doesn’t like talking with others(其他人).

A. shy B. famous C. cute

( )9. There are many ______ on the river.

A. boats B. cars C. buses

( )10. Amy helps her mother. Daming plays on the computer.

Amy is ____ than Daming.

A. better B. worse B. good


about, naughty, bigger, cooked, with

1. This is Nancy. She is _____________.

2. It’s a book ___________ pandas.

3. On Monday, I will play ________ my friends.

4. Beijing is __________ than Tianjin.

5. Yesterday my mother ________ noodles.

五、在II 栏中选出I栏的答语。(5分)

I 栏 II栏

( )1. Are you cool? A. No, he wasn’t.

( )2. Was he old then? B. Jinan is the capital of Shangdong.

( )3. Did you dance yesterday? C. No, I’m not.

( )4. Can you speak English? D. Yes, I did.

( )5. What is the capital of Shandong? E. Yes, I can.


A: Good morning, Daming.

B: 1

A: Did you go to the park yesterday?

B: 2

A: Why not?

B: 3

A: What will you do tomorrow?

B: 4

A: Will it be sunny tomorrow?

B: 5

A: Have a good time.

B: Thank you.


1. you, ball, will, your, tomorrow, take ( ? )

2. English, American, people, in, speak ( . )

3.listen, yesterday, to, you, did, music ( ? )

4. the, the, carried, Sam, bike, watermelon, on ( . )

5. Guangxi, Nanning, capital, of, the, is ( . )


( )Because tomorrow is Friday.

( )On Saturday we’re going to have a picninc!

( )No, I won’t.

( )Why not?

( )Will you take your ball tomorrow?


It was Sunday yesterday. The weather was fine. Jim and Tom went to the zoo by bike. They saw(看见)many animals there. They were very happy. At eleven o’clock, they were hungry and thirsty. So they bought some hot dogs and some milk. They had them for lunch. Then they played in the zoo. They jumped and ran(跑), and then Jim fell and bumped his arm.

( )1. The weather was fine yesterday.

( )2. They went to the park by bike.

( )3. They saw many animals.

( )4. They had some bread and milk for lunch.

( )5. Jim bumped his leg.



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