





Good morning./ Good afternoon. Good evening. /Good night.



-Whats your name?


- My name is…


-You can call me…


How old are you?


- Im+数字。(掌握并熟悉1~10的英语数字。)


Whats this? Whats that?


Its a/an…





(1)能用数目来计算的叫可数名词,有单、复数两种形式,复数形式多数是在词尾加“s”如:pens, books;

(2)不可数名词是没办法用数目来计算的名词,如:milk, juice.



She can’t sing. He can’t dance.(她不会唱歌。他不会跳舞。)

(2) can 等情态动词后,用动词原形

She can dance. He can swim.


Hi! Hello!(你好!你好!)

How do you do?(你好?)

Good morning/afternoon/evening!(早上好/中午好/晚上好)

How are you? —Im OK./Im fine.(你好吗?我很好/我很好。)

And you? — Im fine,too.(你呢?我也很好。)

Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you, too.(很高兴认识你.-也很高兴认识你。)

Glad to meet you. — Glad to meet you, too.(很高兴见到你。我也很高兴见到你。)

Goodbye! Bye-bye!(再见!再见!)


My name is ….(我的名字叫)

What is your name?(你的名字叫什么?)

Im …. / My name is …(我是…/ 我的名字叫)


How old are you? —Im nine/ten。/ Sorry, I dont know.(你多大了?我是九/十/对不起,我不清楚。)

Are you nine, too? —Yes, I am./No, Im ten.(你也是九岁吗?是的,我是。/不,我十岁。)


Are you boy? —Yes, I am./ No, I am a girl.(你是男孩吗?是的,我是/不,我是一个女孩。)

Are you new? — Yes, I am./ No, Im not.(你是新来的吗?是的,我是/不,我不是。)

Is this…? —Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.(这是...?—


Is that…? — Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.(那是...?是的,它是。/不,它不是。)

Its… Is this big/ fat? — Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.





1. How are you? 你好吗?

2. What is your name? 你叫什么名字?

3. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

4. Good morning. 早上好。

5. Good afternoon. 下午好。

6. Good night. 晚安。

7. Im sorry. 对不起。

8. Excuse me. 打扰一下。

9. Thank you. 谢谢你。

10. Youre welcome. 不需要谢。


1. What is this? 这是什么?

2. What color is it? 它是什么颜色?

3. How many? 多少个?

4. Who is he/she? 他/她是谁?

5. I like/love/hate… 我喜欢/爱/讨厌……

6. This is my… 这是我的……

7. Can you help me? 你可以帮我吗?

8. What do you want to do? 你想做什么?

9. Do you have…? 你有……吗?

10. Where is…? ……在什么地方?


三年级英语的短语和重点句型很重要。1. 因为在三年级,学生启动学习更复杂的英语知识,短语和重点句型能有效的帮学生更好地理解和应用这些知识。2. 一部分重要的英语短语涵盖“how are you?”、“I love you”等等,而一部分重点句型如“whats your name?”、“where do you live?”等等,都是常见的平日用语,掌握并熟悉这些短语和句型能有效的帮三年级学生更好地与外国人交流和沟通。3. 总而言之,学习三年级英语的短语和重点句型很重要,同时也需学生在实践中持续性地熟练运用,加深对这些知识的记忆和理解。



Hi ! Hello !

How do you do ?

Good morning / afternoon / evening !

How are you ?- I m OK ./ I m fine .

And you ?- I m fine , too .

Nice to meet you .- Nice to meet you , too .

Glad to meet you .- Glad to meet you , too .

Goodbye ! Bye - bye !


My name is ....

What is your name ?

I m ..../ My name is ...


How old are you ?- I m nine / ten 。/ Sorry , I don t know .

Are you nine , too ?- Yes , I am ./ No , I m ten .


Are you boy ?- Yes , I am ./ No , I am a girl .

Are you new ?- Yes , I am ./ No . I m not .

Is this ...?- Yes , it is ./ No , it isn t .

Is that ...?- Yes , it is ./ No , it isn t .

It s .. Is this big / fat ?- Yes , it is ./ No , it isn t .


What s this ?- It s ….

What s that ?- It s …

What s in your bag ?- A hat .


What s color is it ?- It s blue and red ./ black / white -.

7. can 的疑问句及回答

Can you see ...? Yes , I can ./ No , I can t .

Ican t find .... Can you find ...?


Stand up .

Sit down .

Come here .

Go back .Come quick .

Open your book / the door .

Close your book / the door .

Put up your hand ..

Put down your hand .

Put on your cap .

Take off your cap .

Clap your hands .

Nod your head .

Touch your ear / nose / eye / mouth / body / arm .


Excuse me .

Thank you .- Not at all . That s OK .

Sit down , please .

Here you are .- Thanks .

I miss you .- I miss you , too .

10. An apple / banana / pear / for youCome quick .

Open your book / the door .

Close your book / the door .

Put up your hand ..

Put down your hand .

Put on your cap .

Take off your cap .

Clap your hands .

Nod your head .

Touch your ear / nose / eye / mouth / body / arm .


1、 in China \ Canada 在中国/在加拿大

2、 long hair 长发

short hair 短发

straight hair 直发

curly hair 卷发

3、 big ears 大耳朵 little ears 小耳朵4、 at school 在学校里

5、 in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在上午

6、 get up 起床

7、 do my homework 做我的家庭作业 doyour homework 做你的家庭作业

8.eat breakfast 吃早餐 eat lunch 吃午餐 eat supper 吃晚餐

9.in the restaurant 在饭馆里

10. new pants 新裤子 old pants 旧裤子 new sweater 新毛衣 old sweater 旧毛衣

11、 too big 太大 too small 太小 just right 正合

12、 a pair of socks 一双袜子 a pair of gloves 一双手套 a pair of boots 一双靴子 a pair of shorts 一条短裤 a pair of pants 一条裤子

13、 puton 穿上 take off 脱下来14、 watch TV 看电视

15、 Listen to the radio 听收音机

16、 across from 对面

17、 fly kite 放风筝 fly a kite 放风筝

18、 play badminton 打羽毛球 play ping - pong 打乒乒乓球

19、 go for a walk 去散








Glad to meet you. —Glad to meet you, too


Glad to see you again. —Me, too.


How are you? —Not bad. / I’m ok. /I’m fine.


And you? — Im OK.


How do you do? — How do you do?


Thank you. — Thats ok.


Thank you. — Not at all.


Its a ….Its too short/big/long/old/new.


Its a nice blouse/vest.


I am not good at English/Chinese/maths.

— I can help you.


What colour is your dress?

— Its red/yellow….


The hat/coat(帽子/外套)is yellow/red(黄色/红色)

A red dress for you. Its nice .


So many animals.


How nice! Cool!


What a fine day! What a big cake!


Its fun ( to run) in the sun.


Is it hot /sunny /rainy…?

—Yes, it is. / No,it isn?t.


It’s rainy/cloudy/windy…


It?s so cold!(天气很冷!)

Are you (still) cold?


Yes,I am./ No, I?m not.


My nose is running.


Happy birthday to you.

—Thank you.


I can?t find /see….



Is it a/an …?(这是一个...?)

—Yes, it is. / No. it isnt.


Is she with…? (是她...?)

— Yes, she is with …(她是...)


Line up, please.


One, two! Run!


Come on!(来吧)

Please wait.(请等着)

Come in, please.(请进来)

Sit down, please.(请坐)

Please don?t open the door.


Please have a cake/an apple….

—Thank you.


Take out / Put down your book.


Open /close your book.


Look at your book/the blackboard.




on the chair(在椅子上)

in the pencil-box(在文具盒里)

in the desk(在课桌里)

in the sky(空中)



Where is …?(在什么地方...?)

It?s on…. / It?s in….


What?s on the table?

— A plate of cakes.



Who is he/she?

He/ She is….


They are brother and sister.



Who is it?

Its me.


“感叹句用what和how: what修饰名词;how修饰形容词

How nice on a ship! How nice!


What a fine day! What a big cake!


lets 句型:

lets =let us

Lets make a blouse/vest.


Lets run a race.

( 让我们赛跑)

Lets play games.


Lets ride it.


Lets give her nice things.


Lets count the candles.


Let me help you.


Let me open/close the door.


Let me get the apples/pears.


Lets go home.



We cant let him in.


She cant swim.


I cant find/see….


Can she swim?

Yes, she can. / No, she cant.


Can you make cakes?

Yes, I can. / No, I cant.


Can you fly it?

—Of course,I can.

(你会飞吗?- 我可以。)



I have a kite/ a new bike.


We have some nice things for you.



Have a coke/an apple.

—Yes, thank you./ No, thanks.


Please have the cake.

—Thank you.


Lets have the good things.




发布于:小学教育网(https://xiaoxue.china-share.com)>>> 四年级英语栏目



