具有说服力的演讲话题? 说服性演讲话题:工科生也有情调 请给一部分persuasive speech (说服性演讲) ,题? Editorials社论,重要评论 letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines写给报纸和杂志的信件 a...
letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines写给报纸和杂志的信件
and the text for a political speech are examples of persuasive
the editor in newspapers社论,报纸和杂志上的读者来信,还有政治演讲报告的文本针对报社的编辑来说都是说服性写作的(很好)例子.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to stand here and talk about a topic that concerns us all: environmental protection.
The world is facing a serious crisis. Our planet is suffering from climate change, air pollution, water contamination, and many other environmental problems. The consequences of these problems are devastating. They affect not only the natural environment but also human health and our economy.
Therefore, it is our responsibility to take action to protect our environment. We cannot ignore the fact that we are all responsible for the present state of our planet. It is our everyday actions that contribute to environmental problems, such as driving cars that emit harmful gases, using plastic products that take hundreds of years to decompose, and wasting natural resources.
So, what can we do to protect our environment? We can start by making small changes in our daily lives. For example, instead of using cars for short distances, we can choose to walk or ride a bike. We can also use reusable bags and water bottles instead of disposable ones. We should turn off the lights and unplug our electronic devices when we are not using them. By doing these small things, we can reduce our carbon footprint and save natural resources.
Moreover, we need to raise awareness of environmental protection among our family, friends, and community. We can organize community events, such as clean-up campaigns, tree planting, and recycling programs. We can also join environmental organizations and participate in their activities.
In conclusion, environmental protection is not just a responsibility, it is a necessity. We need to understand the importance of our actions and their impact on the environment. By making small changes in our daily lives and raising awareness, we can make a difference and protect our planet for ourselves and future generations. Thank you.
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具有说服力的演讲话题? 说服性演讲话题:工科生也有情调 请给一部分persuasive speech (说服性演讲) ,题? Editorials社论,重要评论 letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines写给报纸和杂志的信件 a...
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