







Prevent Drowning, Save Lives!(预防溺水,拯救生命!)最近几年来,溺水已成为全球最主要的伤亡因素之一。溺水事故可以出现在任何水域,涵盖游泳池、海滨、湖泊、河流等地方。最可怕的是,不少溺水事故是可以不要的。因为这个原因,我们需通过英语宣传标语来提醒大家重视预防溺水。不仅需要在游泳时加强安全意识,选择安全水域和适宜的游泳器材,还需要注意看护儿童,避免他们误入危险区域。除开这点应该定期参与游泳培训,提升自救能力和救援技巧。唯有通过各位考生的共同努力,才可以减少溺水事故的出现,保证每个人的生命安全。

Prevent Drowning,Stay Safe!防溺水针对每个人都很重要,尤其是针对那些不会游泳或者不擅长游泳的人来说更为重要。可以提升大家的意识并加强他们对水上安全的重视。除了宣传标语之外,我们还可以采用一部分实质上的措施来防止溺水。例如,安装围栏和安全门用于游泳池周围、在家人的监护下让孩子游泳、提升自己的游泳技能、遵循游泳区域的相关规定和没有喝酒的情况下才去游泳等等。全部这些措施将有助于减少溺水事故的出现,保证我们的生命安全。

1.Cherish life and stay away from dangerous waters.珍爱生命,远离危险水域。

2. The drowning accident is disturbing, and swimming is not peaceful.溺水事故揪人心,下水游泳不安宁。

3. Cherish life and never go swimming.珍爱生命,坚决不下水游泳。

4. Enhance the awareness of drowning prevention and shine the light of life!提高防溺意识,绽放生命光芒!

5. Joint efforts should be made to prevent drowning accidents.齐抓共管,联防联动,严防溺水事故。

6. Cherish life, beware of drowning, stay away from danger and grow up safely.珍爱生命、谨防溺水,远离危险、平安成长。

7. You cant be free in the water like a fish, so please prevent drowning!你不可以像鱼儿那般在水中自由,故此请你预防溺水!

8. Life is supreme, student safety first!生命至高无上,学生安全第一!

9. For your safety, please dont swim with your classmates without authorization.为了你的生命安全,请不要未经同意私自与考生结伴游泳。

10. Cherish life, care first, and do a good job in preventing drowning.珍爱生命,关爱为先,真真切切做好防溺水工作。

11. Dont be blinded by blue waves, and dont lose judgment because of coolness - prevent drowning and cherish life.不要因碧波蒙蔽了双眼,不要因清凉失去了判断——预防溺水,珍爱生命。

12. Prevent drowning, dont let the water become the tears of relatives!预防溺水,不要让水变成亲人的眼泪!

13. Let drowning accidents away from the campus, so that safe and happy life together.让溺水事故远离开学校园,让平安幸福一生相伴。14. There is only one life, and safety accompanies you all your life.生命唯有一次,安全伴君一生。

15. There is only one life, and drowning is only one thought away.生命唯有一次,溺水只差一念。

16. Safety is the foundation of life and the ladder of happiness.安全是生命的基础,安全是欢乐的阶梯。

17. Water is not paradise, please be careful when wading!水中非天堂,涉水请慎重!

18. If you want to become a dead fish, please go into the water here.假设你想变成死鱼一条,就请在这里处下水。

19. Life first, prevent drowning.生命第一,预防溺水。

20. Safety first, cherish life, prevent drowning, start from me.安全第一,珍爱生命,预防溺水,从我做起。

21. Cherish life and keep away from drowning.珍爱生命,远离溺水。

22. Clear the river to prevent drowning; Cherish life and prevent water entry.清清河水,防止溺水;珍惜生命,杜绝入水。

23. It is the common responsibility of the whole society to prevent minors from drowning.防范未成年人溺水是全社会的共同责任。24. Water is the source of life. Please stay away from the water source.水是生命之源,请远离水源地。

25. Play with water, fall into eternal hatred, turn around and wait for the afterlife.玩水失足千古恨,回头是岸等来生。

26. Remember: dont go swimming in informal swimming places!要记住:不要去非正规游泳场所游泳!

27. Strengthen leadership and earnestly implement safety measures to prevent drowning.加强领导,真真切切落实预防溺水安全措施。

28. Dont swim with your peers; Dont swim without your parents.不要与同龄伙伴下水游泳;不要无父母陪伴下水游泳。

29. For your safety, you should be accompanied by your parents when you go swimming.为了您的生命安全,去游泳时应有家长陪同。

30. Everyone is responsible for preventing drowning!预防溺水,人人有责!

31. Take strict precautions and resolutely curb the occurrence of student drowning accidents.严密防范,坚决遏制学生溺水事故出现。

32. Cherish life! Dont go swimming alone.珍爱生命!不要一人下水游泳。

33. There is only one life. Please cherish life.生命唯有一次,请珍爱生命。

34. Rivers are merciless, and life is priceless!江河无情,生命无价!

35. Cherish life and prevent drowning!珍爱生命,预防溺水!

36. Strengthen safety education to prevent drowning.强化安全教育,防止溺水事件出现。

37. In order to stay away from danger, please do not go to dangerous areas such as the seaside, rivers, ponds, reservoirs, sandbanks, unstable slopes and so on.为了远离危险,请不要到地势复杂的海边、河流、池塘、水库、沙坑、不稳定边坡等危险区域游玩、嬉水。38. There have been 500 drownings here, and the drowned have not been seen ashore so far.这个方向出现溺水500起,至今未看溺水者上岸。

39. There is only one life, and safety accompanies you all your life.生命唯有一次,安全伴君终生。

40. Please do not swim in the waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel.请不要到无安全设施、无救护人员的水域游泳。

41. Always walk by the water and keep your safety in mind.常在水边走,安全记心头。

42. Care for life journey, prevent drowning, and pay attention to traffic safety.关爱生命旅程,预防溺水,注意交通安全。

43. Life is only once, and friendship is inexorable.生命仅一次,水火无情谊。

44. Strengthen education and enhance the safety awareness of teenagers and children.强化教育,提高青少年儿童的安全意识。

45. In the mood for love, dont stop for drowning!花样年华,别为溺水停下!

46. For your safety, please dont go swimming without your parents.为了你的生命安全,请不需要在没有家长陪同的情况下私自下水游泳。

47. The whole society should work together to prevent teenagers and children from drowning! 全社会齐抓共管,预防青少年儿童溺水!

48. Please do not swim in unknown waters.不明水域,请不要下水游泳。

49. Swimming is fun, and life is the most valuable. Be careful!游泳有乐趣,生命最可贵,谨严!

50. Water is the source of life, but it also has fatal power!水是生命的源泉,但也有致命的威力!



Every year a lot of children get drowned in rivers or lakes in China. So we should be very careful as to avoid the similar incidents happen again.


First of all, we must tell our children not to play near rivers or lakes. We should keep a close eye on them at the same time. The government should do something too.


If there are enough nursery schools or kindergartens, all the kids could go to play in kindergartens instead of at home and may hurt or even drown themselves.




发布于:小学教育网(https://xiaoxue.china-share.com)>>> 五年级英语栏目





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