有关准备朗读比赛的英语作文 英语朗诵比赛文章1 henny-penny one day henny-penny went for a walk. an acorn fell. the acorn hit henny-penny on the head! oh, dear, said henny-penny. the sky is falling. i must go and tell the king. wher...
one day henny-penny went for a walk. an acorn fell.
the acorn hit henny-penny on the head!
oh, dear, said henny-penny. the sky is falling.
i must go and tell the king.
where are you going asked cocky-locky.
i am going to tell the king the sky is falling, said henny-penny.
ill come with you, said cocky-locky.
on the way they met ducky-lucky.
where are you going asked ducky-lucky.
we are going to tell the king the sky is falling, they said.
ill come with you, said ducky-lucky.
on the way they met goosey-loosey.
where are you going asked goosey-loosey.
we are going to tell the king the sky is falling, they said.
ill come with you, said goosey-loosey.
on the way they met turkey-lurkey.
where are you going asked turkey-lurkey.
we are going to tell the king the sky is falling, they said.
ill come with you, said turkey-lurkey.
then they met foxy-loxy.
where are you going asked foxy-loxy.
we are going to tell the king the sky is falling, they said.
you are not going the right way, said foxy-loxy.
i will show you a good way to go.
so they followed foxy-loxy.
he stopped in front of a dark hole.
this is a good way to go to the king, said foxy-loxy.
foxy-loxy went in first. turkey-lurkey followed him.
goosey-loosey went in next. ducky-lucky followed goosey-loosey.
cocky-locky went in last. henny-penny heard him cry,
run away, henny-penny! henny-penny started to run.
she ran and ran…. and ran! she ran all the way home.
and she never told the king the sky was falling!
宣传语是学好英语 去看世界
One is beneficial to the development of brain. Because reading aloud is the essence of reading aloud in self appreciation of their own voice, in the course of time, is beneficial to students ability of thinking in images of self cultivation.
Two is to change the character of the students. Introverts tend to sound very little, if all students to adhere to read the text aloud and other articles, books, it is easy to make students love to talk, the character is also subsequently and change.
Three is conducive to the students to understand the debate, debate on the value, this is better, high quality in the future of a transaction quality.
Four is conducive to change the poor students, most students outstanding performance is not read aloud the text, read aloud good text, from reading aloud began training, many students in the reading process, formation of thinking.
Five is read aloud, because brain in a state of great excitement, which in itself can stimulate students to better understand the articles, books.
Six is read aloud to concentrate on, the brain is empty state, in favor of memory material.
Seven is read aloud the is the formation of language will follow the road, so to speak, no real loud reading the article, you will have no real sense.
不了解不觉晨读已差不多也快要结束,在本次晨读中陪伴我度过的东西有不少,这当中我的两位晨读小老师是最让我印象深入透彻。 我体会到早晨真可谓是一天最美好时间段,这里说的“一年之季在于春,一日之时在于晨。”
再说说英语,英语是一种以发音为主的语言,故此,发音是学好英语的第1个步骤,然而,晨读就是对这一最好的帮。 坚持朗读可以提升发音的准确性和语言的节奏感,多朗读就可以使我们都英语更流畅,更优美。坚持朗读可以提升听力水平,假设只靠听,可能就没有这样的效果了。坚持长时间晨读,语感就可以持续性提高,语言能力持续性提升,英语思维能力也得到渐渐培养。没有朗读,就不可以更好地培养我的英语语感。
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有关准备朗读比赛的英语作文 英语朗诵比赛文章1 henny-penny one day henny-penny went for a walk. an acorn fell. the acorn hit henny-penny on the head! oh, dear, said henny-penny. the sky is falling. i must go and tell the king. wher...
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