


There are a lot of hobby groups in our school. i am a member of the science group. last year, the teacher asked me to grow some flowers and watch them. then i should write a report about these flowers. i felt very excited about it. during that time, i was so busy with my flowers that i even forgot the time. i have become more and more interested in science, so i hope to be a scientist when i grow up.


My favorite club when I was a kid,I have a great interest in music. Therefore I joined music club. I have made a lot of good friends that we have same interest there. They are 。

Im a student from Class 2 Grade 6. I want to join the English club. I like English very much, but Im not good at it, so I want to join the club to improve my English. I think its a 。

Hello,everyone,i am xxx.I like music very much.i think it can make us relaxed .when you are tired or boring you can listen to music to enjoy harmony .i heared about the school has held a orchestra .so i want to join ,i think i can be better。 2、I am glad to hear that there is an music cilb in our school.

As a music lover, I am eager to enter the club.

Singing is one of my advantages.Besides,I am good at dancing and painting.So, it is easy for me to help the club with advertisement.Not only can I help painting posters ,but I can perform on stage!I am sure I can help the club a lot.

Hoping you will permit my application.


I can play volleyball well.或I can play volleyball,I'm good at it.

My mother can't play the guitar.

Which club do you want to join 或What kind of club do you want to join in

I want to join the swimming club.

How are you and your children?

I can play volleyball well.或I can play volleyball,I'm good at it.

My mother can't play the guitar.

Which club do you want to join 或What kind of club do you want to join in

I want to join the swimming club.

How are you and your children?


I am a junior high school student, just today, I joined a music club, they are super good



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