



1. 我的家人:向各位考生讲解自己的家庭和家人,分享亲情故事和温馨回忆。

2. 我的宠物:讲解自己的宠物,涵盖种类、名字、性格等,并分享有趣的宠物养护经历。

3. 我的梦想与目标:向各位考生展示自己的未来规划和理想追求,鼓励世界更好地发挥自己的才华和能力。

4. 我的偶像:分享自己心里的偶像名单,并解释他们为你带来的正面影响和启发。

5. 爱和友谊:解释爱和友谊的含义和重要性,还有如何通过友谊和爱来创造幸福和美好的生活。

6. 我的国家/城市:向各位考生讲解自己的国家或所在城市,涵盖历史、文化和旅游景点等,可以举行照片展览或小视频。

7. 环保和持续时间发展:解释环保和持续时间发展意义,分享自己对环境保护的奉献和行动计划。

8. 学校生活:分享自己在学校的生活,涵盖学习、课余活动、朋友等,让各位考生更好地了解你的生活和成长。



英语演讲how do we learn English?

How do we learn English ?


How do you learn English well?

How to learn English well? Well, this is a question that puzzles almost every one. This seems a question that will never have a good answer.

However, nowadays, we do have more and more people who have learned English well. How did they make it?

First of all, they all have a strong will to learn English well. As a proverb goes, nothing is difficult if you put your mind to it. If you don’t have a strong desire to learn English well, you can never make it.

Secondly, they spent a lot of time on it. No one can expect to learn English well in one day. It takes many, many days; it takes many, many years!

Thirdly, they all have a good start. By “good start” I mean they know the importance of some basic things, like pronunciation, reading aloud etc. They pronounce every sound clearly and correctly. They do a lot of reading aloud.

Well, if we can learn from them, this means if we can do like they did, every one of us can learn English well.

Please keep in mind, Practice makes perfect! Each day, spend some time on reading aloud. Find something interesting to read about. And learn to speak English to yourself, to write to yourself. This is a good way to practice speaking and writing skills.

Yes, I know some other ways to learn English well. Do you like movies? I mean, do you like seeing English movies or movies in English? If you do, then you are on the right way to be a good English learner.


来自Alicia keys的Fallin'。网络在线不少答案,这个是才是正确的。歌词请看下方具体内容:

I keep on fallin in love with you

Sometimes I love ya

Sometimes you make me blue

Sometimes I feel good

At times I feel used

Obey you darling

Makes me so confused

I keep on fallin in and out of love with you

I never loved someone way that I loved you

Oh,oh,oh I never felt this way

How do you give me so much pleasure

and cause me so much pain

Just when I think I've taken more than would a fool

I start fallin back in love with you

I keep on fallin in and out of love with you

I never loved someone way that I loved you(oh baby)



I keep on fallin in and out of love with you

I never loved somebody way that I love you



1 可行2 假设选择一个简单但精彩的故事,花费一部分时间练习演讲,既然如此那,在1分钟之内讲述完整的故事是可行的。3 针对故事的选择,可以考虑一部分经典的短篇故事,例如《狐假虎威》、《乌鸦喝水》等等,这些故事情节简单,易于理解,可在短时间内讲述完整。同时,在演讲练习中,可以针对语音语调、表情动作等进行提升。


Long long ago.there is a little duck.it is so ugly. all its friends call him ugly duck. They all laugh at him.one day.the ugly duck became to a swan.It is very beautiful.

One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river。

  This time he sees a lion under a tree。 The lion runs at him。 He is afraid and falls into the river。 He can’t swim。 He shouts。

  The rabbit hears him。 He jumps into the river。 The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him。

  Luckily, an elephant es along。 He is very strong。 He helps the rabbit and monkey。

  Three friends are very happy。 They go to the elephant’s home。 Then, three of them bee good friends。



The thing about life is its not always easy, and you cant always win. Some point of your life, it hits you. It hits you really really hard.

The person you love doesnt love you back, you get fired, you lose a family member. At some point of your life, youre gonna hit rock bottom.

Youre paralyzed, youre like, Why? And that why can really really destroy you. Once you start asking yourself, Why me? Why not the others, why me?

Im actually a good person, I never did something significantly bad, why the hell did it hit me? Because thats life.

Life is unfair. Success is not measured on the days when the sun shines. Success is measured on the dark, stormy, cloudy days. And if you cant absorb failure, youre never gonna meet success.





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