


After reading this work, people dont feel as happy as the previous ones.

The value orientation of this work is seriously wrong.

In order to go to the bathroom and lie about looking at the house, the man is not polite at all.

The owner of the house just teased him, and he stole other peoples things.

After that, the owner of the house was tossed by the bear child just to get back his doll.

The previous works are because thieves steal things, which belongs to the absolute fault party, so they will be guilty and have the pleasure they deserve.

However, the fault Party of this film is different. First of all, it is the children who do wrong themselves.

On the contrary, innocent homeowners and couples are punished.

They not only cant feel the smile, but also feel embarrassed.



发布于:小学教育网(https://xiaoxue.china-share.com)>>> 四年级英语栏目





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