



Dont be afraid to fail. In fact, failures often lead to success. Imagine if Thomas Edison hadnt failed. He said, I have not failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that wont work. So dont be afraid to fail. Its not the opposite of success. Its part of success. - Arianna Huffington

1:Ted经典演讲中有不少英文励志语句,以下摘录一段:You are not your resume, you are your work.(你不是你的简历,你是你所做的事情。)2:这句话表达的意思是,一个人不应该只根据自己具体经历和成就来定义自己的价值,而应该看重过去所做的工作和行为,这些才是真正评价一个人的标准。3:这段话中的可以引申出大家评价自己和他人的方法,如何看待一个人的过去和目前,如何对待自己的成就和失败等等。这些问题在生活和职场中都很重要,需我们仔细思考和探索。


The one commodity that is most valuable on this earth is time.


Time to love, time to live. From the moment the human body is born it begins dying.


I don't think you, you quite caught that. Let me say it again. From the moment the human body is born it begins dying.


Some happen faster, some happen slower, some of us help them go faster,


and some of them prevent it from happening sooner than later.


How many seconds how many minutes do we waste every day doing things,


that are nowhere near the goals, and aspiration and passion that we have inside?


How many times you go through the course of a day and realize:


did I do anything I set out to do today? Write down those goals each and every day.


No matter if there’s two goals a day.


If you can accomplish those then you're doing more than just making it through the day.


You are living and achieving your dreams. Find time to better yourself.


Read, explore, research, live life do things, you've never thought of doing before. That's what it's all about.


When you're born that's that date, that they put on the left side of the tombstone.


When you die they put another date on the right side of the tombstone.


But that dash in the middle is the most important thing on that tombstone.


That is a line that throughout that entire time frame.


You were able to impact and touch others lives. You were able to leave your mark on this earth.


You were able to build a legacy that nobody could change.


You were able to have it to where people remember who you are no matter what.


When you're living for that dash in the middle, you're going to remember your why.


Your why, why you're here, not the why, why did you do something, your why.


Your reason for getting up in the morning.


Your reason for pushing yourself past the brink of exertion and giving up.


Your reason for moving on and getting things done in life.


That dash in the middle that's the thing that pushes you.


How do you rate yourself on a scale of one to ten in terms of your physical appearance?


In terms of your health? Do you take care of yourself? Are you allowing yourself to get overweight and out of shape?


Are you conscious of your health? Are you watching the food that you take into your body?


Do you make a deliberate effort to exercise?


You know it was George Burns, he said we can't help getting older but we don't have to get old.


And many of us get old before our time because we don't take time to take care of ourselves.


Your environment is a very good indicator on a scale of one to ten, is it what you want it to be?


Do you find it desirable? Are you satisfied?


The job or career that you're involved in someone said that 85% of the American public are unhappy with their jobs.


Are you spending eight hours a day just doing time?


Doing something that you don't find challenging, that does not make you stretch mentally,


that does not stimulate you, that does not inspire you, something that you don't find a sense of fulfillment in it?


If you're doing that day in and day out, it has to affect how you feel about yourself, your level of motivation, your relationships.


What kind of impact is that having on your life? Is it nourishing or is it a toxic relationship?


Does it drain you or does it build you up? Ask yourself that.


How motivated are you to do something about it? Your contribution, your actions... what are you giving?


Many people will leave the universe without a trace.


No one will know they were here and in fact under their name we could put under there, 'not used up'.


Will anybody know that you came this way? What contribution are you giving?


What will you leave? What will be different because you came this way?


Just, just stop for a second. Write down your why. What are you doing this for in life?


If your why doesn't make you cry, that's not your why. Again, if your why doesn't make you cry, that's not your why.


Your why should be something so big that it moves your family tree.


Your why should be something so big that it changes the whole outlook on how things are with you and your home, your family, your religion, your purpose.


Think about your passion, think about your opportunities, and that's how you find your purpose: OPP.


When that why meets up with your passion, your opportunity, your purpose,


then you'll find out: the most important day in your life is the day you remember why you were born.



演讲试题:Where joy hides and how to find it


Who do you want to be? It's a simple question, and whether you know it or not, you're answering it every day through your actions. This one question will define your professional success more than any other, because how you show up and treat people means everything.


Either you lift people up by respecting them, making them feel valued, appreciated and heard, or you hold people down by making them feel small, insulted, disregarded or excluded. And who you choose to be means everything. I study the effects of incivility on people. What is incivility? It's disrespect or rudeness.


It includes a lot of different behaviors, from mocking or belittling someone to teasing people in ways that sting to telling offensive jokes to texting in meetings. And what's uncivil to one person may be absolutely fine to another. Take texting while someone's speaking to you.


Some of us may find it rude, others may think it's absolutely civil. So it really depends. It's all in the eyes of the beholder and whether that person felt disrespected. We may not mean to make someone feel that way, but when we do, it has consequences.


Over 22 years ago, I vividly recall walking into this stuffy hospital room. It was heartbreaking to see my dad, this strong, athletic, energetic guy, lying in the bed with electrodes strapped to his bare chest. What put him there was work-related stress. For over a decade, he suffered an uncivil boss.


And for me, I thought he was just an outlier at that time. But just a couple years later, I witnessed and experienced a lot of incivility in my first job out of college. I spent a year going to work every day and hearing things from coworkers like, "Are you an idiot? That's not how it's done," and, "If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask."


So I did the natural thing. I quit, and I went back to grad school to study the effects of this. There, I met Christine Pearson. And she had a theory that small, uncivil actions can lead to much bigger problems like aggression and violence. We believed that incivility affected performance and the bottom line. So we launched a study, and what we found was eye-opening.



1. “Life is not easy; it never was, it isnt now and it wont ever be. It would be too easy and it would get boring.”

2. “Success is not a titled that you can bestow upon yourself; it is an endless journey, filled with challenges and lessons. And you must be willing to work hard.”

3. “Life is unpredictable. We dont know what will happen tomorrow and its important to acknowledge that and use that to your advantage. Youll never know if you dont try.”

4. “You cant control other people or events, but you can control how you react to them and how you let them affect you.”

5. “You may not get it right the first time, but dont be discouraged. Learn from your mistakes, keep going and eventually youll reach your goals.”

6. “Work hard, stay focused and dont forget to enjoy the journey. Life is too short to dwell on the past or worry about the future.”

7. “Dont let fear stand in your way and dont take no for an answer. Believe in yourself and persevere.”

8. “Be your own leader and use your creativity to make your dreams come true. You are the only one who can make it happen.”

9. “No matter how difficult it gets, never give up. There is always a way and you just have to find it. Everything is possible if you put in the effort.”

10. “Live life to the fullest, take risks and seize every opportunity that comes your way. You never know what possibilities lie ahead.”

ted超燃励志英文演讲:“Teds motivational speech”


下面这些内容就是 TED 史上最牛的 10 段演讲原文,每段演讲都拥有其独特的主题和风格,值得一读:


原文:“In becoming who I am, I am learning to accept imperfections and faults. When I am criticized, I am not learning to deny my flaws, but rather to see them as opportunities for growth and learning. After years of training and self-discovery, I have finally found a balance between embracing imperfections and learning from my mistakes.”


原文:“Focusing on your breathing is like writing your suicide note. Engaging in a deep breathing session can take the edge off stress and anxiety, helping you regain control of your emotions.”


原文:“Curiosity is the greatest teacher of all. It forces us to constantly question everything around us and opens up new doors of discovery. By staying curious, we can stay sharp and connected to the world around us.”


原文:“Success comes from making your weaknesses your strengths. By being true to yourself, you will create a stronger and more valuable version of yourself that shines on all accounts.”


原文:“Positive feedback is like a drug that only grows stronger the more you use it. It primes the pump for success and leaves you feeling invincible.”


原文:“Procrastination is like a muscle that needs to be exercised every day. By setting specific deadlines and following through with a clear plan, you can overcome procrastination and start achieving your goals.”


原文:“The progress of women in the past century has been extraordinary. Women have come a long way in achieving equality and power, but there is still much to strive for. With every inch gained, we must make sure we keep pushing forward.”


原文:“Life throws us curve balls that we never imagined possible. By being ready for them and planning for them, we can come out stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever.”


原文:“Positive energy is like a force field that repels negative vibes and attracts positive ones. With a positive mindset, you can overcome any obstacle and find success wherever you may be.”


原文:“Technology has changed the way we live our lives immeasurably, bringing convenience and innovation to all aspects of our daily lives. While it can create challenges and opportunities, it ultimately represents a new and promising approach towards building a better tomorrow.”

你好,1. 布雷恩·布朗(Brene Brown):勇气的力量


2. 艾米·库德勒(Amy Cuddy):身体语言塑造你的思维


3. 肯·罗宾逊(Sir Ken Robinson):学校杀死了创造力


4. 斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking):宇宙的起源


5. 费利克斯·巴姆伯格(Felix Baumgartner):跃空纪录


6. 琳达·希尔(Linda Hill):如何创造高效的创新团队Team


7. 阿米尔·阿克巴尔(Amir Aczel):数学之美


8. 埃莉诺·隆(Eleanor Longden):与精神分裂共存


9. 瑞安·默菲(Ryan Murphy):多元化在电视剧中的意义


10. 约翰·格林伍德(John Green):我们的社会是如何创造的



1. Ken Robinson:Do schools kill creativity?(肯·罗宾逊:学校是不是扼杀了创造力?)

2. Simon Sinek:How great leaders inspire action(西蒙·西尼克:伟大的领袖如何激励行动?)

3. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie:The danger of a single story(奇玛曼达·恩戈齐·阿迪契:单一故事的危害)

4. Brene Brown:The power of vulnerability(布兰·布朗:脆弱的力量)

5. Elizabeth Gilbert:Your elusive creative genius(伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特:隐藏的创造天才)

6. Jill Bolte Taylor:My stroke of insight(吉尔·波尔特·泰勒:我的顿悟之旅)

7. Amy Cuddy:Your body language may shape who you are(艾米·库迪:你的身体语言可能塑造你的人格)

8. Hans Rosling:The best stats youve ever seen(汉斯·罗斯林:你曾经见过的最棒的数据)

9. Dan Pink:The puzzle of motivation(丹·平克:动机的谜题)

10. Sir Ken Robinson:Bring on the learning revolution!(肯·罗宾逊爵士:迎接学习革命!)



  1.一心一意; 2.放下己见 ;3.开放式问题 ;4.让观念流动; 5.谨言;6.别拿自己和别人比较; 7不要重复自己;8.忘掉细节;9.为理解倾听;10.对他人保持兴趣


The one commodity that is most valuable on this earth is time.


Time to love, time to live. From the moment the human body is born it begins dying.


I dont think you, you quite caught that. Let me say it again. From the moment the human body is born it begins dying.



你好,1. Do schools kill creativity? by Sir Ken Robinson

2. The power of vulnerability by Brené Brown

3. How great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek

4. Your body language may shape who you are by Amy Cuddy

5. The puzzle of motivation by Dan Pink

6. The art of stillness by Pico Iyer

7. The danger of a single story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

8. Why 30 is not the new 20 by Meg Jay

9. The happy secret to better work by Shawn Achor

10. The transformative power of classical music by Benjamin Zander



假设要推荐几篇TED演讲,我推荐请看下方具体内容《我心中的中国象征》,《不要让任何人打乱你的生活节奏》,《我眼中的世界:chess board





Inspiring! 因为TED经典演讲以激励人心和激发思考为宗旨,故此,演讲内容时常会涉及到一部分极具启发性,题,比如领导、创业、科技、文化等等。 假设我们想要一段英文的TED经典演讲就可以在TED官方网站上找寻,下面这些内容就是一段Ted演讲的英文“I wish for you to find your own personal purpose and help create a world in which everyone has that same opportunity” (Jill Tarter),这句话启示大家应该找到自己的人生目标,从而来帮创造一个每个人都拥有机会达到自己目标的世界。


Dont be afraid to fail. In fact, failures often lead to success. Imagine if Thomas Edison hadnt failed. He said, I have not failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that wont work. So dont be afraid to fail. Its not the opposite of success. Its part of success. - Arianna Huffington

Now, I want to start with a question: When was the last time you were called childish? For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence. Every time we make irrational demands, exhibit irresponsible behavior, or display any other signs of being normal American citizens, we are called childish, which really bothers me. After all, take a look at these events: Imperialism and colonization, world wars, George W. Bush. Ask yourself: Whos responsible? Adults.



发布于:小学教育网(https://xiaoxue.china-share.com)>>> 小学四年级栏目





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