


“I mean,it’s life.Lower your expectations”


“I’m too poor to have any fear of success.”



德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green)


百科为 :追梦格林,原名德拉蒙德格林英文名字为:DeLamende Green。是一名美国男子篮球运动员,身高1米98,体重142kg,臂展达到214厘米。1990年8月出生于美国德克萨斯州。2023年深造念书于美国雪城大学。2023年毕业后参与NBA选秀大会,并在首轮第二十八顺位被金州勇士队选中。




In ancient times, in the northern wilderness, a towering majestic mountains, touch the sky, called Chengdu day. Deep in the mountains, living with a group of mighty giants.   Their leader is the dead god "Earth" grandchildren, "the letter" son, named kuafu. Therefore, this group of people called Kua Fu family. They are robust and strong, tall, strong willed, extraordinary spirit. But kind-hearted, brave and hardworking, has enjoyed a leisurely and carefree life.   When the earth desolate, poison beast rampant, people living qiku. In order to make people to the tribal Kuafu can live, are led by people with great scourges struggle every day.   Kuafu often caught in the vicious yellow snake, hung as a decoration in his ears, caught waving in the hand, proud.   One year the weather is very hot, hot sun shining in the earth, roasting crops, sun Jiao Shumu, dry river. It was unbearable heat, Kua Fu family who have died.   Kuafu see this scene is very sad, he looked up at the sun, told the people: "the sun is really hateful, I should catch up with the sun, catch it, let it listen to the command." People to have discouraged.   Some people say: "you must not go ah, the sun so far from us, you will die."   Some people said: "the sun is so hot, you will be baked dead."   Kua Fu has never mind, vowed to catch the sun and let it listen to people's orders, serving the people. He looked unhappy people, said: "for the happiness of life, I have to go!"   The sun is just rising from the sea, people with lofty ideals and high aspirations Kuafu farewell, from the East Sea, toward the direction of the rising sun, big strides chase, began his daily journey.   The sun is moving quickly in the air, on the ground in the wind like Kuafu, desperately chasing you. He walked across the mountains, across a river, the ground was shaking his footsteps, "rumbling sound, rocking back and forth.   When Kuafu becomes tired, a little nap, will shake off the soil shoe on the ground, thus forming a large mound. Hungry, he would pick wild fruit, sometimes Kuafu cooking. He used five stone pot rack, the five stone became the five seat dingzuerli mountains, there are thousands of meters high, this is the five mountains.   Kuafu chasing the sun, seeing is getting closer to the sun, his confidence is growing. But the more close to the sun, thirst more powerful, has not held water can quench the.   However, he did not fear, and always encourage themselves, "soon, we should catch up with the sun, people's life will be happy."   After nine days and nights, in the sun, Kuafu finally caught up with it.   Red, hot fireball, just in front of his head, Kua Fu, 10000 golden, bathed in him.   Kuafu delighted to open arms, to embrace the sun. But the sun hot anomaly, Kuafu felt thirsty and tired. He went to the Yellow River, to the Yellow River water water drained, but still not thirst; so he went to the edge of Weihe, the river water is drained, still not thirst; North Kuafu ran there Trinidad Osawa, Ozawa Ri enough water to quench their thirst kuafu.   However, Ozawa Ta had not run away, Kuafu daze, in the way of thirst.   When Kuafu died, my heart full of regret, he also worried about his people, and will throw their hands a stick of wood. Wood landing place, immediately give birth to large peach a wild profusion of vegetation.   This is forest lush, passing between the shade, a fresh peach, thirst and industrious people, allow people to eliminate fatigue, to embark on a journey full of go.   远古时候,在北方荒野中,有座巍峨雄伟、高耸入云的高山,叫做成都载天。在山林深处,生活着一群力大无穷的巨人。   他们的首领是幽冥之神“后土”的孙儿,“信”的儿子,名字叫做夸父。因为这个原因这群人就叫夸父族。他们身强力壮,高大魁梧,意志力坚强,气概非凡。而且,还心地善良,勤劳勇敢,过着与世无争,逍遥自在的日子。   那时候大地荒凉,毒物猛兽横行,大家生活凄苦。夸父为让本部落的大家可以活下去,每天都率领众人跟洪水猛兽搏斗。   夸父经常将捉到的凶恶的黄蛇,挂在自己的两只耳朵上作为装饰,抓在手上挥舞,引以为荣。   有一年的天气很热,火辣辣的太阳直射在大地上,烤死庄稼,晒焦树木,河流干枯。大家热得很难忍受,夸父族的人纷纷死去。   夸父看到这样的情景超级难过,他仰头望着太阳,告诉族人:“太阳实在是可恶,我要追上太阳,捉住它,让它听人的指挥。”族人听后纷纷劝阻。   有的人说:“你一定不能去呀,太阳离我们既然如此那,远,你会累死的。”   有的人说:“太阳既然如此那,热,你会被烤死的。”   夸父心意已决,发誓要捉住太阳,让它听从大家的吩咐,为各位考生服务。他看着愁苦不堪的族人,说:“为各位考生的幸福生活,我一定要去!”   太阳刚刚从海上升起,夸父告别族人,怀着雄心壮志,从东海边上向着太阳升起的方向,迈开大步追去,启动他逐日的征程。   太阳在空中飞快地移动,夸父在地上如疾风似的,不要命地追呀追。他穿过一座座大山,跨过一条条河流,大地被他的脚步,震得“轰轰”作响,来回摇摆。   夸父跑累时,就微微打个盹,将鞋里的土抖落在地上,于是形成大土山。饿时,他就摘野果充饥,有的时候,候夸父也煮饭。他用五块石头架锅,这五块石头,就成了五座鼎足而立的高山,有几千米高,那就是五岳。   夸父追着太阳跑,眼看离太阳越来越近,他的信心越来越强。但是,越接近太阳,就渴得越厉害,已经不是捧河水完全就能够止渴的了。   但是他没有害怕,还一直鼓励着自己,“快了,就要追上太阳了,大家的生活就可以幸福了。”   经过九天九夜,在太阳落山的地方,夸父终于追上了它。   红彤彤、热辣辣的火球,就在夸父眼前,他的头上,万道金光,沐浴在他身上。   夸父无比欢欣地张开双臂,想把太阳抱住。可是太阳炽热异常,夸父感到又渴又累。他就跑到黄河边,一口气把黄河水之水喝干,可是还是不解渴;于是他又跑到渭河边,把渭河水也喝光,仍不解渴;夸父又向北跑去,那里有纵横千里的大泽,大泽里的水足够夸父解渴。   但是大泽太远,夸父还没有跑到大泽,就在半路上被渴死了。   夸父临死时,心里充满遗憾,他还牵挂着自己的族人,于是将自己手中的木杖扔出去。木杖落地的地方,顿时生出大片郁郁葱葱的桃林。   这片桃林终年茂盛,为往来的过客遮荫,结出的鲜桃,为勤劳的大家解渴,让大家可以消除疲劳,精力充沛地踏上旅程。



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